2022 - Interesting Times Continue!

Wow, lots of new covid-19 developments lately! Here is a review of a few of the topics over the last month and a preview of what’s coming up in the blog:

Some of the topics in the last month …

  • A very detailed study found that 61% of covid-19 cases came from a single type of indoor activity (Dec. 15).

  • We updated our comprehensive company policy on covid-19 safety (Dec. 17, and again on Jan. 10) and it’s already a little out of date—the latest information shows that antigen tests are not accurate until five or six days have passed since the onset of symptoms. So if you have symptoms, just get a PCR test as soon as possible!

  • Everything you ever wanted to know about masks—well at least what our practices are—including four short videos (Jan. 4).

  • The news, now echoed from many sources, that antigen tests are useless to test for the onset of covid-19 if you have no symptoms (Jan. 7). OK, just as the government is giving away hundreds of millions of antigen tests and I bet most people will use them incorrectly.

  • Yes, we all want the pandemic to be over, but it’s sobering to see the CDCs chart of community spread rates across the country (Jan. 10).

  • Air purifiers are perhaps the most underused, effective measure to reduce covid-19 risk—they function like an additional really good mask for everyone in the room, without the hassle. We reprinted our comprehensive advice.

  • Scary news from The Atlantic magazine (always excellent!) on the desperate shape of many of our hospitals (Jan. 12).

  • Finally, a true story of the importance of using multiple methods for risk reduction, and a new video on the use of the fresh air meters we sell (Jan. 20).

And in the days ahead …

  • Quite a collection of important new national stories, including an update on Omicron symptoms, and a review of fresh air ventilation advice from the CDC and WHO.

  • A story and recommendations from us on another important part of indoor air quality in the winter: humidity levels.