Join the Ventilation Revolution

Actually, there is not yet a ventilation revolution. People keep calling for it, as in the recent White House conference, but then if past is prolog, nothing much will happen.

But YOU can help along the revolution to have healthy amounts of fresh air in buildings—to dilute and exhaust the covid-19 virus along with the viruses for flu, the common cold, and others. Just take your Safetulator™ Fresh Air Meter (or any accurate CO2 meter) with you whenever you go into a building, and especially when a lot of people are gathering. You can set up your meter for attendees to get a look at, and for those who want to learn more, here is a convenient info sheet (click on link for pdf version) that you can print and cut in half. Then people can find out the meaning of the current meter reading.


And for those who want even MORE information, you can tell them that not only does fresh air reduce the risk of getting sick, it also lets your brain work better! "Improved ventilation can … increase learning and attention. A 2010 study showed that kids performed better on standardized tests when ventilation rates were higher. [And a] 2016 study found that office workers’ cognitive performance improved when they were exposed to lower carbon dioxide levels, which is a marker of better ventilation.”

So … breathe fresh air - reduce your risk of illness - and be smarter!


Today is the one-year anniversary of the blog!

As the covid-19 pandemic continues with about 400 American lives lost each day, our introductory video (Oct. 14, 2021) advocating better fresh air ventilation is still 100% relevant.

We will continue the blog posts every two weeks, with practical measures for covid-19 safety. As always, we welcome your questions, comments, challenges and successes.


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