The Spring Surge Is Here

It looks like we are at the start of a spring surge. Nationally, cases are up 19% over last week (and Vermont has the second highest cases rate per capita of any state). More in some places, such as Manhatten. 4/17/2022

And the models are predicting further increases. "Daily COVID-19 cases are projected to increase 93.6 percent nationwide in the next two weeks, according to modeling from Mayo Clinic. " 4/18/2022

I hope it will be like last April’s (see graph below)—rise a bit, then taper off for the summer as we spend more time outside, and as schools close for the spring. But with most mitigation measures cancelled, it feels to me personally to be a riskier time than that of last spring, when we still had mask mandates. 4/18/2022

Just at the wrong time, old vaccinations and boosting are pretty much worn out. So-called breakthrough cases are now common, especially when people congregate indoors without masks, and without verifying good fresh air ventilation. The one good thing, if you can call it that, is that there is no longer any medical need to require proof of vaccination or boosting, and many organizations are dropping these rules. 4/15/2022 4/15/2022 4/7/2022 4/8/2022

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