Mid Summer Safety Reminders

The summer surge is real — here are some reminders as we have fun this summer:


Every year except 2020 has had a summer surge. (Even though current news reports are — wow, what a surprise, covid is still here!)

See the graph below. In 2022 (dark green) the covid virus detected in wastewater was high from June on. 2023 (light yellow-green) and 2024 (light blue) were almost identical, with the upswing not starting until August. This year’s tracking (orange) started to rise in July (but is not shown on this graph as Biobot seems to be joining the chorus to make the disease go away by stopping reporting detailed information on the tracking of it).

Biobot Wastewater graph


Our July 20, 2023 Blog Post shares windy.com as a good site to track smoke. It also references a great mask to keep from inhaling the smoke.

Person wearing a mask

July 6, 2023 Blog Post has more information on protection from the smoke with window filters and the mask for smoke.


Our July 6, 2023 Blog Post describes the workings of A/C and how important fresh air is when using it.


See the May 10, 2022 and June 22, 2022 Blog Posts to avoid super spreading and ideas on how to have safe — large and small — gatherings.


Even flying can be a safe option. See the September 2, 2022 Blog Post with protocol to fly safely.

Airport waiting area


May 31, 2024 Blog Post shares the antigen test that we like the best: InBios — 2 tests for $8.50 currently from Amazon.

InBios Covid-19 Antigen Self-Test


January 4, 2022 Blog Post has a few videos on different mask options.

Enjoy a wonderful and safe summer!

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